my teams koromiko work


What koromiko can heal

Koromiko is an exceptional medicinal used plant.You can use Koromiko for reducing weepings and ailments healing gently constricting tissues to form a protective barrier on the wounds. Koromiko is found mostly in the south island of New Zealand and in Chile. 


What koromiko can do

Koromiko is also edible but you can only eat a specific part of it,the part you can eat is the young leaves of the plant  when you eat the young leaves it will give you relief if your constipated.koromiko is also great for your kidneys and if you have diarrhea.


What koromiko is used for

Koromiko is used as an astringent for dysentery it is also for facilitates east labour and piles and varicose veins and also for promotes bile flow 


What koromiko looks like

Koromiko is a yellowy orange white colour and here is a picture of what it looks like and how pretty it looks like,heres is the link to see the picture click link below.×800-ms-u0c0i1s1q90f1.jpg&tbnid=kiRWeSkv7EAAMM&vet=12ahUKEwi81vX11ICCAxVpbmwGHQUVD1IQMygAegQIARBD..i&

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